Tuesday, May 29, 2012

the Weimar republic

Germany 1918-1945: 6.1 the Weimar Republic and the rise of the Nazis:the impact of the 1ww: 1914 Ger was a powerful country with the best army, so the people had a great optimism. When the 1ww ended the people was trying to survive it was the worst. A flu epidemic killed many people.
Impacts of the war for Ger: -was virtually bankrupt (people poor, industries closed) –division in Ger society (huge difference between poor and riches, women worked in factories) –Ger had a revolution and became an unstable democratic country (many soldiers despised the new democratic leaders).
The birth of the Weimar republic: 1918 the allies had won the war. Ger was in chaos, she was offered peace form the allies with conditions. 1 be more democratic, the Kaiser refused and so the sailors mutinied and took over Kiel. The socialist led uprising of workers and soldiers in other German ports, then other cities follow. In Bavaria a Socialist Republic was declared. 9 Nov 1918 the Kaiser left the throne. Ebert became the new leaders of the republic and he signed the armistices with the allies and so the war was over. He did some changes: freedom of speech and worship and better working conditions and he did a new constitution (-democratic system, no man could have much power –all Ger over 20 could vote, -proportional representation in the parliament, 20% of votes 20% of the people in the parliament, -head of the state the president). Elbert had opposition form R and L. Kaiser’s advisers still in their places. Left side thought that what was needed was a communist revolution. 1919 free elections and Elbert won. And this brought the birth of the Weimar Republic (was signed in Weimar city).
The republic in danger, 1919-1924: the threat from the left: left groupSpartacists communist party led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, they wanted a Ger ruled by workers councils or soviets. Freikorps anti-communists ex soldiers. Ebert had an “ally” with the Freikorps to put down the rebellion. Fight between the 2 groups Frei won. The 2 leaders of the Spar were murdered and they failed. The leader of Bavaria died, so Elbert moved the Freik to there. 1929 more communist in the Ruhr, Freik were there killed many people.
The Treaty of Versailles: Germany lost: 10% of it lands, all overseas colonies, 12.5% population, 16% coal, 48% iron industry, the army was reduced to 100000, no air force, navy reduced, had to pay reparation. Opponents of the regime went furious with Elbert; he was obligated to sign the treaty.
The threat from the right: violent opposition from the right that were people grown with the Kaiser’s Germ. They wanted Germ to expand their territory, strong army, powerful industry. Kapp led 5000 Freik were taken to Berlin to fight with the rebellion (Kapp Putsch) the army refused to fire to the Freik. The workers declared a strike from power and water. Kapp left the country and died. Adolf Hitler led an attempted rebellion in Munich. Hitler received short prison.
Economic disaster: TV forced Germ to pay for reparations.
The Ruhr: 1921 was paid, 1922 wasn’t paid. Jan 1923 Fran and Belg entered to the Ruhr and took raw material instead of the money. The Germ government ordered the workers to go on a strike, so it would be nothing to take. Fran killed many people. Collapse of Germ currency.
Hyperinflation: there was no money so the government printed money, but this money wasn’t supplied with gold so had no value. Stresemann became president 1923 and reformed the currency.
How did the Weimar Republic survive 19-24? –external support (FraBel had new governments, DAWES PLAN, America let money) –opposition was weak (not much support) –bulk of Ger population was prepared to support the WR (people supported the government call for passive resistance against Fra, Ger people resisted the Kapp Putsch to preserve the WR) –effective government action (Elbert’s action against comm, Stresemann reform of currency)
The Weimar Republic under Stresemann: Achievements: the economy: Dawes plan was presented, 1927 industry recovered. Exports increased. Culture: writers and poets flourished. New and exciting buildings were created and cinema appeared. Politics: more stable. Nazis no power. Foreign policy: Locarno treaty (Ger no try to change western borders with Fr and Bel). Germ accepted in the LN. Young Plan was negotiated lightened reparation and Fr, Br and Bel went from the Rhineland.
Problems: economy:was precarious, the only that won were the big businesses peasants were terrible. Prices of land increased. Weimar governments were happy with the unions because they led to improve pay and conditions.Culture: in the cities moral decline. Politics: 30% votes opposed to the republic. 1926 HINDERBURG PRESIDENT (against democracy). Foreign policy: Nationalists attacked Stresemann for joining the LN and for signing the Locarno Pact because it was a pact against communism in the USSR.
Hitler and the Nazis: the opposition were organizing and regrouping to win the elections. One group was Nazis Party. They began as German Workers Party (led by Drexler) 1919 Hitler joined the party. Drexler put him as the responsible of propaganda and the political ideas. 1920 they announced the 25 points (abolition of the TofV, union Ger and Austria, “true” Germs to live in Ger, industries to be nationalized, strong central government) and the were denominated National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis). 1921 Hitler leader.
The Munich Putsch 1923: Hitler thought that was the moment to attack the government because they were worried about the economic crisis (the Ruhr was happening). 8 Nov he and Ludendorff told he was taking the government of Bavaria. Nazi troops were taking official buildings. The police reacted and killed 16 Nazis, the rebellion broke up while Hit and Luden escaped. The people didn’t support him and he and the leaders were arrested. Hit got only 5 years in prison but he only did 9 month and in a comfort place.
The Nazis in the wilderness 1924-29: he wrote a book while he was in prison that was about how he wanted Ger to be (national socialism (loyalty to German), racism (whites were best), armed force, living space (Ger needed to expand territories into Poland and Russ), loyalty to the leader) and he realized the Nazis couldn’t get the power by force. When he went out he rearmed the Nazis party.1924 In the Reichstag election they won 32 seats. Hitler set up the Hitler Youth, the Nazi Students´ League, etc. 1928 12 seats. The grate majority of workers supported the Socialists Social Democratic Party (SDP).they realized they gain more support from peasants, farmers and middle classes. The party promised the peasants to help with the agriculture if the won. In propaganda the humiliated the culture of the Weimar, so the people that was against the culture support them. 1925 he enlarged the SA.(loyal to the Nazis Party) And he also set up the SS. (loyal to Hitler). Joseph Goebbels was in charge of propaganda. 1928 they were still having a minority support.
The depression and the rise of the Nazis: 1929 the world great depression was happ.
Enter the Nazis! Hitler’s ideas: - Weimar government indecisive? Stronger leaders was needed, -are reparations adding Ger problems? No more TofV, - unemployment a problem? Join the army, armaments and public works. 1930 elections 107 seats.1932 200 seats.
Why did the Nazis succeed in elections? The Nazis party had a great propaganda. 1929-33 Hitler on the power.
Nazis campaign: methods were modern and effective. They talked about uniting people behind one leader, and going back to traditional leaders. Jews, TofV, communists were the causes of the problems. Many posters and pamphlets. There were many fights between communist people and police but the SA and SS didn’t act, so the people wanted something like that. Hitler showed as a the man of the people. Hindenburg was the president.
Negative cohesion: it was said that the people didn’t support the NP because of the views but yes because of the fears and dislikes.
Disillusionment with democracy: when the depression happened the chancellor proposed and economic policy (limited the government spending and Ger had to do sacrifices). 1930 new elections for the Reichstag. The Reichstag was still divided and it wasn’t working as before.
The communist threat: crisis deepened, communists more power. And this benefit the Nazis because of the negative cohesion “fear to communism”. The Communists Red League broke up opposition party meetings, like the SA. The owners supported the Nazis because the communists would take power of the businesses. The peasants also supported the Nazis because what had happened in the USSR that the government took he power of the lands and so the Nazis promised to help them.
How did Hitler become chancellor in 1933? 1932 Nazis were the biggest single party in the parliament. Hitler asked Hindenburg to be the chancellor but Hind refused and the chancellor was Franz von Papen. But the Reichstag didn’t supported him and so there were other elections in 1932. the Nazis again were the largest party, but they lost lots of votes and seats in the parliament. The Nazis started to run out of founds. Kurt von Schleicher became chancellor. The Weimar system of government was not working. So Hind decided to use the emergency powers to overthrow the parliament so he needed a chancellor that had support there so he could use it. 1933 they offered Hitler to be the chancellor. Von Papen was the vice chancellor so he was going to limit Hitler. Hitler would be there to get support from the Reichstag for those policies and to control the communists.
6.2 Hitler’s Germany. Hitler’s dictatorship 1934 he became a supreme dictator.
The Reichstag fire: 1933 he called to elections to have the majority in the parliament. He used the same methods of propaganda than before. 27 Feb the Reichstag was in fire. Hitler blamed the communists and that was for the communist uprising. He used the emergency powers to find the solution. They used to arrest the communists. In the elections they won the majority of the votes, Hitler had an overall control. He used the SS and the SA to intimidate the people in the parliament to approve that he could do laws without asking to them (Enabling Act) and this became Hitler a dictatorship. The catholic center party decided to co-operate with the Nazis.

The night of the long Knifes: no opponents and political parties were in Germ. Hitler was suspect with the SA leader by Rohm. Hitler had to choose between the army and the SA. 29-30 June the SS went to Rohm and other leaders of the SA houses and arrest them. He did this to persuade afterwards rebellions. Von Schleicher also was executed. And they killed them. Hindenburg thanked Hitler. The SA wasn’t formed again.
Der Fuhrer: (apodo de Hitler) Hinderburg died and he took the power (the Fuhrer). He wnt to the army an did that the people signed they were loyal to him, and they were going to serve him. He reopened conscription and did plans to become Ger powerful.
Nazi control of Germany 1933-45: aim: create a totalitarism state. No opponents. The SS: formed 1925 and were loyal to Hitler. When they destructed the SA they had many responsibilities. They were led by Heinrich Himmler. Responsibility to destroy opposition. Subgroups: Death Heads units those were responsible for concentration camps and the WAFFEN- SS regiments which fought along the regular army. The Gestapo: (secret state police) led by Heydrich. They could arrest citizens on suspicious and sent them to concentration camps without trial or explanation. The police and courts: prop up the Nazis dictatorship. They ignored crimes committed by Nazis and the other didn’t receive a fair trail. Concentration camps: rural areas. Prisoners hard labour. Food limited many deaths. The SS Death Heads control them.
Why was there little opposition? In private never in public people commented about the regime an its actions. All Nazis main opponents were killed or executed.
It’s all for the good of Germany” Nazi success: many Germs admired and trust Hitler. They were prepared to tolerate rule by terror and to trade their rights in political freedom and free speech in return for work, foreign policies success and what they thought was strong government. –Economic recovery was deeply appreciated, -many thought that they brought some needed disciplined to Germ, -1933-1938 people thought Germ became powerful again.
I don’t want to loose my job” economic fairs: Germs were afraid of loosing their jobs. They lose it ones in the depression and they don’t want to loose it again. The people in their jobs had not to answer and keep their heads down. The SS and the security service listened to conversations in the cafes.
Have you heart the good news?” propaganda: the whole propaganda was pro- Nazi slant. Propaganda helped in having a clean image of Hitler.
The July bomb plot: July 1934 some army officer wanted to take Hitler from power because they said he was taking Germ into ruin. Count von Stauffenberg put a bomb in the conference room to kill Hitler. It failed so Hitler killed 5000 in reprisal.
How did the Nazis deal with the Churches? Hitler signed a concordant with the Catholic Church 1933. Hitler agreed to leave the Catholic churches alone and allowed it to keep control of its schools in return of the churches stating out of politics. Many churchgoers support churches or did nothing to oppose them. The catholic bishop Galen (1941) led a popular protest against the Nazis. Hitler decided not to silent them because Germ was in war. Pastor Niemoller and Bonheoffer were also against. Niemoller was taken to concentration camp. Bonheoffer helped Jews to escape from Germ. And entered to the intelligence army against Hitler. He was arrested 1942
Propaganda, culture and mass media in the Nazi Germany: Goebbels was in charge of limiting opposition, and also was in charge Propaganda.
The Nuremberg rallies: organized by Goebbels. Was organized to emphasise order.
The 1936 Olympics: (Goebbels) in Berlin. Goebbels convinced Hitler that was a great propaganda for Ger with the other countries. USA wanted to boycott the games because of what they were doing to the Jews. Germ included 1 Jew in the team. Ger won.
The media: Nazis controlled, nothing could be published without the permission of Goebbels. Students had to burn books that said something against Nazis. Artists were restricted. Goeb control the newspaper, radios and the cinema. Jazz was banned because it was black music. Hitler speeches and things positive to the Nazis were repeated every time. Goeb was helped by the SS and the Gestapo.
How did the Nazis deal with young people? The Nazis had reorganized every aspects of the school curriculum to make people to be loyal to him. At school you would be learnt loyalty to the Fuhrer was right. Biology lessons that they were superior.
Did all young people support the Nazis? Many were attracted. 1939 membership of the Nazis youth movement was compulsory. During the war the movement decreed and an Anti Hitler movement was created.
The Swing movement: middle class teenagers went to parties were they hearted English and American music, they accepted Jews in the clubs.
The Edelweiss pirates: working class teenagers boys and girls (14 to 17). They were not organized an in the different cities had different names. They went camping in weekends. They sang songs that mocked Germ and sometimes attacked Hitler youth. The Gestapo broke up some groups. 1944 they helped to escaped prisoners, they stole armaments and took part in an attack on the Gestapo during which its chief was killed.
Women in the Nazi Germany: Hitler view was they had to be mother and wife. They don’t work. Hitler offered tempting financial incentives for married couples to have at least four children. Birth rate increased. Opportunities for women were limited.
Did Germans gain from Nazi rule? Economic recovery and rearmament: went to power because they promised to solve 2 main problems (unemployment and German farming) 1933 the worst depression was over. The economist Schacht organized Germany financed and create a programmed of work creation. Men were sent to public works projects and conservations programmes. Hitler’s wanted rearmament, 1935 he reintroduced conscription for the army. 1936 announced the 4 years plan.
Conscription reduced unemployment. This brought an economy recovery. Germ was completely recovered.
The Nazis and the workers: Hitler promised lower unemployment so he put them in the industrial workers. Hitler needed good workers to create the industries so Germany would have a great empire. He won loyalty. He also gave workers cheap cinema, theatres tickets. Also created the “car of the people” (Volkswagen beetle) and also improved working conditions.
The Nazis and the farming communities: Hitler promised he was going to help them. 1933 he introduced the Reich Food Estate under Richard Darre. This set up central boards to buy agricultural produce from farmers and distribute in to markets across Germany. They guaranty the farmers they would sell what they produce. 2- the Reich Entailed Farm law that gave protection for peasants. If the farmers could not pay loans the peasants stayed in the land anyway.
Big businesses and the middle classes: big businesses people were glad to the Nazis because they took communism out and because they established order in Germ
The national community- Volksgemeinschaft: Hitler wanted the Germans to think like a national community or Volksgemeinschaft (farmers, peasants and everyone) Hitler policies towards each group were designed to help win this kind of loyalty to the Nazi state. Had a great loyalty to Hitler. People accepted having a central government to bring back power again.
The impact of the 2WW on Germ: Hitler fulfilled his promises to the German people that he would: -reverse the TofV, unite Germ and Austria, rebuild armed forces, extend Germ territory into Eastern Europe. People didn’t support the 2ww. Food and clothes rationing were present 1939. Hitler was the leader of most of western and eastern Europe. Goebbels tried to use propaganda to help Hitler. From 1942 the post and the letter boxes were closed.
The bombing of Dresden (Br bombed): had the most dramatic effect on the lives on German civilians, 1942 allies decided a new policy towards bombing Germ. One of the objectives was to cripple Germ industries and the other was to lower the morale of civilians and to terror them. 1945 was the bombing and killed thousands of people in 2 days. People were desperate and food supplied was needed. 3 month later the German’s war was over. Hitler and other leaders committed suicide.
The persecution of minorities: while the 12 years in power they persecuted members of other races and minorities groups. They persecute an group that they thought challenged Nazi ideas. They killed millions of people, babies, women, men, homosexuals, Jews, etc.
Hitler and the Jews: anti- Semitism means hatred of Jews. They had been discriminated for many years. One of the causes of discrimination was the religious another was that they were well educated and well paid in their jobs. Hitler hated the Jews. Since he was in power he put the state against the Jews. The SS and the SA boycott Jew businesses and shops, which were marked with a Star of David. Jews were also forbidden to marry or have a relationship with “pure” Germans. In propaganda there were anti Jews messages.
Kristallnacht or the night of the broken glass: Nov 1938 a Jew killed a Ger diplomat in Paris. Nazis used this to violent against Jews. Jews were murdered, shops were burned, and others were taken to concentration camps or left the country.
The ghettos: 1939 after defeating Poland Germany set about “Germanising” western Poland. That was transporting Poles from their homes and replacing them with Germ. Polish Jews were rounded up and transported to the major cities. Here they were herded into sealed areas called ghettos. There the Jews that were sick were left to die and the able bodies conditions were used for slave labour.
Mass murdered: 1941 Ger invaded USSR. The army had the order to shot the Jewish and the Communists parties supporters. 1941 mass shooting took place in Eastern Europe and the Jews had to wear the Star of David to difference.
The Death camps: seniors Nazis went to Berlin to decide what to do with the Jews. At the Wannsee conference it was decided that Himmler was put in charge of the systematic of killing of all the Jews. 500000 Jews, homosexual, etc were killed.
Was the Final solution planned from the start? Not was clear because it was a lack of evidence but the genocide couldn’t happened without: -the civil service bureaucracy (collected and stored the information about Jews) –police force in Ger and the occupied land (Jews were taken by the police) – the SS (transporting Jews to concentration camps) – the Ger armed forced – industry (Volkswagen and Mercedes had their own slave labour camp) – the Ger people (support the anti Semitism)
Resistance: many Jews escaped before the killing started, other lived under covered. There were some Jews groups that save the Jews that were captured. Most of the successful resisters were successful because they kept a low profile and never went recognized.

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